Christians often speak about the existence of a God-shaped hole in our heart. A place that can only be filled with God Himself. Over the past year I came to understand how this God-shaped hole had given direction to my life and my actions. For all of my life I desired love, wisdom and truth. I also felt this strange longing for being obedient to a teacher. I now can...Continue reading
Tag: Jesus
Biblical or Christian Counseling?
Counseling is designed to minister to our souls. It is a conversation where one party with questions, problems and trouble seeks assistance from someone they believe has answers, solutions and help. Counseling requires some vision of life. The way the counselor looks at life, the creation, the purpose of mankind, the existence of the soul and morality determines the way he or she counsels. The way you look at the...Continue reading
Help, I don’t feel at home!
There are a few questions in life that I have asked myself more than all other questions: Who am I? Why do I feel so different from others? Where do I belong? Where is my home? When I was thinking about these questions it brought to mind a specific period in my life. My kind of people As a young, divorced mother of 2 girls I stood at the schoolyard...Continue reading
The Bible: A Black Box?
‘In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God. And the Word was God’. (John 1: 1) It’s strange how God lets you remember conversations that in hindsight point you to Him. To see that He was there and then already at work in and for you! I vividly remember a situation, many years ago, when I was working in a team of 3 consultants, one of...